Fic: The perfect name

Nov 03, 2012 00:40

Fic: The perfect name
Pairing: Clint/Natasha
Rating: teen
Genre: babyfluff. only not just fluff, i like to think there's depth to it. i shall make no apologies for this. *nods*
Warnings: your teeth might hurt just a little. but not too bad.
Series: part of the Kobayashi Maru universe, which will give you the context to understand what's going on here.

Summary: Finding a perfect name is not easy. When you're dealing with a task so important, it's really good to have some friends around.

A/N: written for cybermathwitch because she is the best braintwin EVER and she deserves all of the glorious babyfluff there is because of REASONS.

Read it here.

fanwork: awww, fanwork: little people

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