Fic: Random numbers, chapter six (Castle/Avengers)

Oct 23, 2012 19:15

Title: Random numbers (6/?)
Type: crossover (Castle/Avengers)
Genre: crack-ish drama with elements of fluff and family and romance
Pairings: Castle/Beckett (still at UST stage) and Clint/Natasha.
Characters: everyone from Castle, everyone from Avengers.
Spoilers: the Avengers movie, season 4 of Castle
Summary: so I was answering questions in a meme with ten random characters from stuff that I like and one question was "#2 and #6 have a child together. What's #7s reaction to this fact?" So, there's a kid, his mom is a badass lady cop, his dad is a badass archer, and #7 in the meme was Kevin Ryan.

A/N: a huge huge thank you goes to daxcat79 for her help and encouragement, and also to cybermathwitch, my braintwin who looked over a portion of this and who keeps virtually holding my hand and talking to me about these ideas and generously allows me to share her headcanon on Things. Anyway, guys, these people here just refuse to stop, you know? They want to have epic adorable times and they all want to share their feels, and they're ruling my brain. Looks like chapters are getting longer, too, and they definitely want me to consider all of their feels and issues seriously. Hopefully, you're still enjoying this, as I am trying to stay true to each and every character, while executing this serious fluff with bits of plot. *FLAILS*

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five

Chapter six

fanwork: awww, fanwork: little people, fanwork: crossover/fusion

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