Hey all, I am doing art for
marvel_bang and am having a helluva time finding the right picture of Scarlett to finish it. I need her looking normal professional - and I think the white blouse/slacks combo she was in for Iron Man 2 right before she kicks Happy's butt in the ring would be perfect.
Unfortunately EVERYTHING I've found either has her hanging on the ropes of the ring, or is a total close up which I don't know if I need yet. I did find one of her holding the file, but it's horribly blurry and doesn't really help either.
And typical me luck - Iron Man 2 is the only Marvelverse film I DON'T Have yet, so I can't go screencap it for myself even.
So please - help me F-list-Kenobi! You're my only hope!
ETA: And damn ALREADY got linked to exactly what I needed. Best. Bar. Ever.