Title: Heavy in Your Arms (3/?)
Author/Artist: Koren M. (
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were, there'd already be a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie.
Pairing: Clint/Natasha, Coulson/The Cellist
Rating: Adult 17+
Warnings: language, violence, eventually sexual content, dub-con if you feel that mystical/destiny sorts of compulsions qualify as dubious consent
Spoilers: None
Type: WIP
Word Count: 2,512
Summary: He knew what kind of resources SHIELD would come at them with, and he had no idea how they were going to survive it.
Author's Notes: See
Chapter 1 for more notes.
All the thanks to
workerbee73's wonderful enablement and beta skills, and also to everyone who threw music suggestions my way.
Too many thanks to count to everyone who left such awesome comments! You're all amazing!
Previous Chapter "What's your name?" she found herself asking...