Ok. I know it's been a while since I've posted, but we've reached that time in the school year when all of the teachers realize that there are only two weeks left in the semester and two months' worth of work left on the syllabus. Finals are in a couple of weeks, house hunting is harder than it looks, blah blah blah.
In actual comm related news, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, starring our very own Sam Huntington, premiered today. Here's a trailer in case you missed it:
Click to view
I figured that was as good an excuse as any to run the idea of movie nights by everyone again. The basic idea is to get together every two weeks and watch a movie streaming online that stars cast members of Being Human. A few of the frontrunners right now are The Mist (Witwer), Jungle 2 Jungle (Huntington), and Caffeine (Pellegrino). If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or to message me. We'll have a poll (sometime in the middle of May, probably) to determine the order of the movies and dates/times/all that other good stuff.
There's also been muttering about a comment fic meme-ish-thing. If anyone's interested, speak up and show your interest.
And, as always, if anyone else has any ideas for more summer fun, drop me a line or leave a note in comments. I'm totally up for more ideas to keep the comm alive during the harsh hiatus.