Aug 07, 2015 21:58

Welcome to one of the most eagerly-anticipated events on the be_compromised calendar! Are you excited yet???

Just before we get started we do have some info and rules we’d like you to read…

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prompts are a thing we do, promptathon, this is the very best bar, promptathon 2015, beware the squee

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FILL: these fragments i have shored against my ruins findthesea August 23 2015, 17:13:15 UTC
So I might've gone a bit overboard on the feelings (like...a lot) but needless to say, this prompt REALLY spoke to me. :) And most of it is on AO3 because like I said -- overboard. Heh.

characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
rating: explicit
warnings: none

It happened quickly, before anyone had a chance to think.

The Senate came down first, hard and fast, in the same way Natasha remembers she had been blindsided after the helicarriers went into the Potomac. After that came the news stories, the meetings behind closed doors, and the whispers between their teammates that dissolved into tension and eggshell tiptoes, silent footsteps of betrayal and unsaid words that echoed like thunder in Natasha’s mind for days and hours after.

She didn’t ask about Clint. She couldn’t ask about Clint. Natasha, Natalia, born of Russia, adopted by SHIELD, no longer an agent, no longer having agency, she couldn’t ask her partner to bend his beliefs just to make sure they ended up side-by-side. To do so would be a violation of everything that she had worked so hard to make herself, and she knows that if she even so much as tried to play those cards, she would be shot down faster than she could draw a knife. And so it hurts, and it burns even more, because she knows what’s going to happen before it actually happens.

(It was in Stark Tower gym, during a routine workout, when she was told that Clint had chosen his side. Afterwards, she had punched the mat so hard that she shattered two of the bones in her fingers.)

He disappears to Bangladesh or Berlin or someplace starting with the letter “B” that Natasha isn’t entirely sure of because she only manages to track him in private after meetings with Tony and other people who have no business trying to pry into matters of things they think they understand.


RE: FILL: these fragments i have shored against my ruins morrighangw August 24 2015, 00:33:09 UTC
Oh, the FEELS! So, so, SO many feels.


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