From Brandon WilliamsCraig: Scholars of mythology, religion, and psychology, please consider joining Huston Smith and a host of renowned theological scholars, and myself, in considering the relationship between myth and theology.
Come (with or without a paper) to the next meeting of the
Pacific Coast Theological Society on April 13th and 14th of this year at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Contact me to RSVP or for more information, if desired.
Call for Papers: Professor Smith requested this session to examine the relationship between myth and theology. I hope to choose an additional paper/presenter and a respondent to my paper by February 13th, so everyone involved may have a chance to read and digest the material that will be presented. Junior scholars and those from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to make proposals. Sorry for the short notice.
Please email brandon at culturesmith dot com and attach your proposal, which should include a CV and abstract of no more than 500 words, addressing the relationship between myth and theology. Various examples of previous papers on other topics may be found here: Looking Forward,
Brandon WilliamsCraig Ph.D.