
Space Shuttle launches used to be a cause for joy...

Jul 08, 2011 12:01

More than any other of the many symptoms, the launch of the last Space Shuttle is a powerful symbol of the fact that the US is no longer willing to embark upon (non-war) grand projects that better our lives through science and sweat over a long time scale. This depresses me.

What lofty goals can young geeks aspire to without seeing the fruits of geeks before them launched into the stars to the betterment of mankind? We'll put all our energy into building a better fleshlight instead of inspiring humanity to greater accomplishments. Nothing is more tangibly inspirational than looking up into the stars of the night sky and knowing we put people there every year. What could be more trancendentally human?

Where does the grand vision come from now? Private industry and academia will, as always, run with some forward-thinking research, but for some projects there is simply no immediate profit motive. These areas, like space exploration (rather than exploitation), the curing of diseases (there's more money in treating symptoms, really), building of large public infrastructure (why should I let the other guy use what I spent money to build?) all require a public body with lots of money and a big plan. Our government no longer has the balls to do such things, and this should be a source of great shame for all citizens of the USA.
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