Nov 12, 2004 01:57
yo wats up yea i hardly update anymore been real busy met this girl name christy no not christy martinez shes awsome we'ev been dateing 4 the past week now since we met she crazy about me shes not a slut i dont think she will ever cheat on me so i think im gonna ask her out somtime this weekend i started working monday still n training but this morning i had to call n cuz my car broke down "bullshit" i called n and they told me i might be able to start back next thursday"hopefully"otherwise il have to go thru the hole week of training again. anyways tomm should b fun christy is picking me up when she gets out of her interveiw at mci at like 3 i think were gonna go chill at her house or somthin idk
next weekend i get paid me christy matt n cristi might go get a cuple hotel rooms n flag 4 the weekend and play n the snow but christy doesnt know if she can go 4 sure so if not i think im gonna take her out to dinner at the cheese cake factory or somthin
i cant wait to start saving 4 a motorcycle iv been looking on ebay and that sort mostly cbr 600rrs and a cuple buells 4 3-4 grand i figure i can have that saved n a few months if i really dont spend any money but a few dollars a week but itl be worth it once i get it il have so much fun wht it i cant wait to pull up to a party on it and b like voom vooooooooooooooom get off it and have every one their lokn its gonna b sweet
anywayz im out