Oct 19, 2004 00:12
check this out i havnt smoked
4 like a week
its been kinda nice
my head is alot more clear now
and it has me thinking
about alot more shit
im so convused
i dont know wat to do
and on top of it
this is the first
time n my life
that i want a gf
before i was allways jus trying
to get
then i would brake up wht em
now i think its coming back to me
cuz every girl i start to like
ends up going out wht someone else
it seems like i cant meet a girl that
wants to b wht me
maybe its cuz im black
i just wanna meet a girl thats not a slut
cuz those r the only kinda girls
i seem to meet
they say one thing then do another
i wish they wouldnt say anything at all
and im sick of people thinking
that im trying to get wht jacque
and all this bull shit
its never been like that between us
were jus really good friends.