two things in life are imporant: coffee & erevything else

Apr 29, 2009 16:44

changing seasons, means its time for a post, and as i have said before i hope to actully post more often. with substence. i have finally up loaded some photographs to my flickr page click this. i bought a set of lights for the stuido for about $1200 which deffiently made me happy. and also since the last time i posted i have fallen in love with coffee. i have been making shots for myself, and have a french press at work, where i make people cofee 12oz at a time, i grinde the beans and press coffee. a french press is the closet thing for me to instant coffee. its better then the maxwell house coffee consentrate that is served at work. i use a differnt coffee each week. i go though a pound of coffee erevy 5 days.

i have been sitting down with my professor outside of school, at his stuido each week if not erevyother, talking shop. its better then a class. i will be taking a class this summer on stuido lighting, alot of that is just to keep me producing work. hopping to submitt a few times this summer.

i have been trying to get togahter with some friends on tuesdays. anyone wants to try let me know...

i wanted to try making the opening show for star treck at the mall. but i decded to wait to see in on sunday, a great mothers day.
i also have not been making it to the accord meetings mostly becuse i have been working, or just not been able to go.

i even made an attemp at trying to estblish a relationship. but typically i am emotionally detached so its hard to start anything with anyone.

but life is vary good

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