(no subject)

Nov 25, 2011 02:43

finally got to 35k today! need to write a little over 2000 words a day to finish on time; par is 41667 by the end of the day (Friday) so I'm hoping to hit that. I'm not used to this crunch at the end of the month, blah.
lots of stuff going on all at once is finally taking its toll on me physically, and I've gotten sick. But I'll get better (and am mostly already feeling better). Need to stop overanalysing and to stop worrying about change (change of a number of different things, actually). I was not expecting to be in a transition period right now, but I seem to have fallen into one, and it will be good for me, I just.. need to let it run its course.
In less ambiguously awesome news, I should hopefully be finding out what my Christmas bonus is gonna look like, *and* if I'm getting the raise I asked for in the next little while. :D Hoping to get that news by the 30th, so I can know if I'm going to bleed myself dry spending money on a Playbook. (Though I'll then have a Macbook, a BB tablet, and a Droid phone. lol.)
This journaling before bed thing is actually really helping me dump my mind - hopefully no one is getting too bored of hearing half-asleep ramblings.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

writing, using all the tags, work, tarot, money, health, whoops, nanowrimo, via ljapp, i be cray cray, life, optimism, thoughts

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