
I am doing this on request.

Jul 22, 2005 02:25

Here is a summary of my life;
Lisa has been hell, but things are going swimmingly for the moment. I need everyones mojo to wish me luck or something. It is very much needed.
I finallllly got the job I was lobying for for sooooo long, at Comp USA, thanks to a few ins and my amazing charm. Those of you (rotten bastards) who don't actually know me, I'm very good with words. That may or may not translate to my typings, but I'm not all that concerned.
So I'm doing my job thing at the pUSA, and I'm suking major ass. I forgot how little I know about computers sometimes. Luckily, they have this mondo traning thing online and I ate that shit right up. Holy god, pretend I said something else.
Regardless, I'm feeling uber-confident in me skills. Now all I need is for thems to pay me bills. If it wasn't for the generousity of others, I'd be flat out on my ass, and I'd be sobbing in the rain. Clearly, whenever I'm sad, it rains. Yes, I am sometimes called 'Lord Shape'.
That all being said, the reallly good new;
Star Power strikes Hambania! In a matter of days after their recent showing in Detroit city, Electric Six heart and soul, Tate? Nucleus has decided to be my friend! Seriously, when a rock star calls you, you damn well know you'll answer. Truth be told, he's sorta quiet, and reserved, but he's amazingly slick and a wonderfully nice guy. I hope I can meet up with him soon, as our plans have been a little fucked up lately.
Secondly on the star train, my favorite artist of all things Star Warsian and beyond totally happened into the work the other day. Damndest thing ever getting to service someone you respect like that. Yeah, I said it, wanna fight about it? Seriously though, I've been diggin that shit since 1997 or so. Hey Matt, it's almost oure 10 year aniversary, whadd're ya gettin me? Either way, as luck has it, HE'S a seriously bad ass guy too. Very nice and humble, as is his soon to be supermodel girlfirend Sarah (donkey, heh), whom of which is also amazing (though a little less star strucken, as I'd only seen her in Matts weirdo movie dvd thing with the pink wig and the... stuff). She totally said she's make me a new icon of her eyes too, which is fierce.
So that'd be my summary of life circa now.
Mo is good, Bruce is getting better, Tina is being a friend again, Gant fucked up hard, but he's still ok, Lore is back in town and doing pretty well (we don't need ROME telling us what to do), Tasha is about to graduate high school finally, Greg is still far away, and I miss his big ass like you wouldn't believe, James is being James, the club seems to be going well, Nate's out of the picture, so is Sarah. Oh well, i'll sigh when I'm dead. seeya, bitches!
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