Title: Mistletoe
bdenspinkhoodie Rating: PG--13 for some cursing
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Brendon's
Disclaimer: I don't own P!ATD or any of the band members. Im just a hopeless fan like the
rest of you, so don't sue me.
Summary: It's Christmas Eve, and it's Ryan and Brendon's first Christmas as a couple.
Sadly, they spend most of it fighting! = \
A/N: First Panic! fic, so go easy on me! ^_^"
Ryan Talking
Brendon Talking
Brendon Narrating
"God damn it, Ryan! You are such a fucking snob!"
"What the Hell....how am I a SNOB, Brendon?! You want to explain that to me?"
I find it a bit pathetic that Ryan and I have only been going out for a little over a month,
and we've STILL managed to have a fight of some kind almost every other day. They usually aren't over
anything important; l ike me molesting him on stage for example.(That isn't a big deal to ME, anyway.)
And sure, I figured that all the limelight would go to our heads, but I'd never expected Ryan to be effected by
it so much.
"Well, let's see. It's Christmas Eve, the night of our usual Christmas Eve Party at Rose's Pub where we
get to see our friends, and YOU want to stay up on your high horse and sit around at home! Not to mention it's our
first Christmas TOGETHER!"
I can't help but be pissed! I mean who knew I had such a diva for a boyfriend....
"How DARE you ?! You don't think I want to see our friends? You don't think I want to spend time with YOU?
I'm TIRED, Bren. That's the only reason I want to stay home. Is that too much to ask?"
"Oh please, Ryan. I saw your face when I told you my plans for tonight...you looked disgusted!
Why can't you just admit that all this fame has gotten to your head?!"
Ok, he's a bit pissed off now. Looks like I hit a nerve.
"GET OUT!" he says grabbing the closest thing he can find, (which happens to be the remote control)
and hurling it at my head. Ducking as the remote shatters against the wall, I start yelling in shock.
"Ryan what the--
"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! Go to your fucking party! Just GO!"
I storm out the door, closing it behind me and lean against it. It's quiet now, after our shouting match, and putting
my ear to the door, I hear the one thing I prayed to God I would never hear or be the cause of...
Ryan crying.
Ah, Rose's Pub...not exactly the most elegant place in the world, but it's cozy. It's where the guys
and I go to just well....be ourselves and relax for a while, (and in my case...to get away from PMS-ing boyfriends.)
I push away any thoughts of Ryan as I walk through the Pub door, out of the snowstorm thats starting outside.
"Hey Brendon!"
" Hey Spence..what's up?"
"Ah, nothing really...me and Jon have just had a shot or two....or twelve...why don't you join us?"
"Nah, Spence, thanks."
"Well, come sit with us at least...and watch out..Pete's here and he's completely trashed. You'd better keep your eye on Ryan...
Hey, speaking of...where is he?"
Eh...leave it to Spence to be completely clueless when he's drunk..
"He's uh, not coming tonight Spence."
Just then, Jon comes out of nowhere, slinging his arm around Spencer's shoulder.
"What do you MEAN, Ry isn't coming?! It's not a party without him! Did YOU do something to get him upset, Brendon?"
At least Spence is sober enough to notice how close Jon is to his death. He quickly grabs him, and pulls them to the other end of the bar,
leaving me completely alone.
I think it's time I had a drink.....
I think I can officially say that this is the worst Christmas I've ever had.
There isn't much time left until midnight. It will be me and Ryan's first Christmas as a couple, and he won't even be here to celebrate with me.
The worst thing about it all is that it's my fault. I yelled; I was a jerk; I started the fight. I'm great at shooting my self in the foot, aren't I?
"Hey Brendon, you want a refill?"
" No thanks, Tyler. I think I've had enough. Besides I think I'm gonna start heading out anyway..."
I get up from the barstool and grab my coat, getting my wallet out to pay for my drinks. I hear the door open, but think nothing of it
since people have been coming in to the pub all night.
I look up and see Tyler smirking at me.
"Um, Ty, something funny?"
He just laughs at me and nods his head in the general direction of the door.
Confused, I turn around to see what he's looking at. There, leaning with his shoulder against the doorpost, wearing his usual eyeliner
and a red dress shirt for the holidays, is Ryan.
I couldn't help but smile as I walked over to him; he looked amazing! No better than that...he was...
well.....man pretty!
"Suprised that I actually showed up?"
"Just a bit....but that doesn't mean I'm any less happy to see you. I'm sorry about earlier."
"It isn't your fault. You just wanted us to be together for Christmas, and I was being selfish. I'm the one that should be sorry."
I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him close. He laughs and puts his arms around my neck.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
I smile the biggest possible grin, and lean in to kiss him. I don't care who's watching .....all I care about right now is me and him, and that we're together.
As we break the kiss, he looks up above us, then looks back at me laughing.
"What's so funny?"
He just points up, directing my attention to the top of the doorway. I look up to see something hanging above our heads.
"Mistletoe." he says, as we both laugh.
Suddenly everyone in the pub starts cheering and yelling. Tyler catches my eye from behind the bar and yells over the crowd.
I look at Ryan, and see him smiling back at me.
" Merry Christmas, Brendon."
"Merry Christmas, Ryan."
I grab his hand and pull him with me into the crowd gathered by the bar singing and drinking, so that we can have a Christmas that niether of us would ever forget.