Nov 02, 2009 11:48
I'm a tenan for Tourney of the Lily.
I asked Kevin if he wanted me in Rene style stuff (14/15 c) (impossible now anyway) and he replied that he would rather have me wear my spiff 12c stuff than half assed 15c, which I agree with, BUT, I hate getting jarred out of a moment at a Pas when everyone else is wearing the right stuff, and there is always "THAT GUY" who is a couple of centuries out of date. I know this is the SCA and that there will be venans that surely will be out of period in thier armour and appearance but...
It still bugs me.
Anyway, the latest I had gotten advice on this was whiether to wear my personal arms or to wear the baronies colors. Most sage advice I got was to wear the baronial colors based on what certain barons/great lords did in mediveal tourney.
That being said, costumes have been a big part of the tourney since the 14c (I'm dying to do the one where the 12 defenders dressed up as the Pope and the college of Cardinals! :-) ) espically pretending to be 'historical' figures.
What if I attempted to be a historical figure? It would require a little sewing that I could most likely sub out but would be a ton of fun....maybe one of the Nine Worthies..Godfried would be very easy to do with my rig...
Anyway just things to think about....
Perhaps some other historical figure to explain the dated armour? Thoughts?
Yes, I am reading Barber and Barker each night before bed, why do you ask? ;-)
culture of arms,
tournement of the lily,