Feb 19, 2009 09:14
The Bad: Viscount Sir Michael Saint Sever passed from this world from another stroke today.
Michael was someone that I only knew of on line. Even though he had recently moved to Atlantia we had never met due to his health.
On line we would often converse on the AA, and in private notes. I do not claim to know him, but what he choose to show me was all good, and I mourn for his wife, his family and those that did get to know him better.
The Good: Calm, if small barony meeting last night with no drama. I got the dumbells and bike from Betty. I slept really deeply last night, and I feel pretty good today. Eating is totally out of control but I think honestly that I am enjoying myself before Lent starts. This is going to be a tough one for me.
The Funny: On the way to work today we saw a car on Rt. 150 whose license plate said "L1onheart". Kim tried to remark that 'We need to introduce that guy to the current middle ages!"
What came out (to her defense, before coffee) was "We need to introduce that guy to the 'Middle-Evil-Alienages'...
I said, What because human could have NEVER come up with armour this compex on thier own right? It had to the Middle-Evil-Aliens helping them!
Hehe. Add that to our household lexicon with Strenth, Crapticular, & Stabulous.
Editted to add other Household Terms: TEH CRAPPIST!, & Brokeback Snoodling.