Jan 22, 2009 16:57
First post from the new office.
Intial thoughts:
I brought up much more than I thought I could get up here and there is room to spare. Woot! Looks like utter crap though.
I MUST go to Pleasents tomorrow and get a door chime and maybe some signage.
Holy Freaking Crap these guys keep it hot up here. No more sweaters for me. Yikes. No wonder the heat bill is so high.
Dust everywhere. Allergies are going to suck. I also seem to have a slight reaction to the cleaners I was using to battle the dust bunnies. (Hey, even with semi regular cleaning, after 11 years in the same spot, you build up a lot of dust.)
Tomorrow I will start figuring out what I don't have and what I forgot. I know I need to bring up my food, maybe the coffee pot if Kent doesn't want to share, my CD's, A/P and A/R and god knows what else.
It's 5, have to jet.
This sucks. (It's less sucky than the alternative though.)
Oh, p.s. No more work phone calls. Seriously.