Jan 16, 2009 11:45
Thank god.
Thanks to the rednecks that run my fair Commonwealth, Kim has today off for Lee/Jackson Day. (I keep waiting for us to have Benedict Arnold day the day before President's Day, but so far, no luck....)
When I was a kid the General Assembly (we have the coolest names for our stuff in VA) made the three headed racial beast of Lee/Jackson/King day as a compromise for MLK day. A few years ago, they seperated the two 'holidays'. The State gets both of them, so Kim is off today and monday.
Today, I am at work, but I am very grateful for the struggles of all that have championed racial equality, espically Dr. King. The reason (Tongue in cheek)? My fat swiss-indian ass gets to sit on the couch and do nothing on monday! Woot!
The best part is that I totally forgot about it until my boss reminded me yesterday! God Bless our clientele, they called my boss on MLK day a few years ago, and ever since, we have gotten the day off.
So, Kim has the day off. This means that she could get some important stuff done for Gracie. First off, they went to Chester and had her 15 month check up. Grace is healthy and happy and perfect. She weights in at 24.5 pounds and is 33 inches high, and is now above the 100 percentile for her height by age. Our tall girl!!! (Remember hun, WPGA, not WNBA, better endorsements! ;-) )
Better still, my awesome wife fought the Feds and in four weeks Grace will FINALLY have a social security number. Thank God! Kim saw the latina rep I almost pulverized last time btw. Another patron got her, and immediately requested someone else. The rep said if she didn't want to be served by her, she would have to take another number and continue to wait in line, which the patron gladly did. "Uh-uh. I've had you before...."
There was some foolishness this time as well but having the mother there made a difference. Thank god.
Now we finally get Grace's 529 set up and get our Ammended Return and 08 taxes done. Woot! Money!!!!!
I really need to brace myself against the cold and go to the bank today, I have to do it. I've been putting it off for way too long. Bah. My feet protest. Maybe I will treat myself with a sandwich while I am out. Peanutbutter is getting old, quick.