Oct 29, 2010 10:34
If the NPTE didn't have sections on Cardiovascular and pulmonary sections I would have kicked ass. I really bombed that section and all the rest of the sections I did so well...oh well
So kinda bummed, but got one of those boxes that looks like a book. Like in the movies when you get a book out and it has something else inside. Wicked awesome!! It had letters from people at church who basically gave me faith that everything will work out.
I'm going to apply for a PT aide job for the next 8 months, stay in the field then take that test again and kick it's ass!!! It's common that people fail, doesn't mean i'm not a rocking PT. And I will be, oh yes, I will be becuase I'm brilliant.
And we found the perfect job. Therapy aide at childrens specialized hospital. That's my dream job, children's specialized, kids, and a foot in the door. I could wokr there for 8 months then they'll love me so much that they'll hire me as a PT. Wouldn't it be nice if that worked out!
This weekend...we have a swim meet (with pancakes before the meet with the girls white team {my girls}) then Stephanie's to hang out for a while, then church Sunday adn the Halloween party and then swim practice. I'll basically be in my halloween costume for over 24 hours. I'm going to be a mad scientist. I'm gonna have scrubs/labcoat, slick my hair back (color it pink) and the make my pony tail stand up so it looks like i got electrocuted. I'll have a beaker of candy goo with an eyeball in it and a container with eye ball gum. It's going to be awesome (if it works out, but I will make it work)
Oh and it wouldn't be a swim team season without me falling. I of course, fall outside the pool deck where it's dry and i bruise a rib and fall in front of ALL the parents. I am a klutz! Sadly it hurt more than the embarrassment. odd. So glad my boss was there who insisted i fill out a incident report. Such a klutz!!!
I'm back though. and i'm feeling better than I have in forever!