Yuletide uploading is broken? The internets are conspiring against me today.
Best poetry stumble I've gotten in weeks:
Kite by Rives. I loved the tone of this, silly/sweet but still full of emotion.
Etiquette of a Kiss
Well, there is the First Kiss, tentative and sweet
Hesitant, half-waiting, fear that she will pull away
And the Kiss Goodbye saving up the memory
Enough to hold you over until another day
A Kiss that's Mutual and both
Lean into it as one
And the Kiss of Passion
That has fire on its tongue
The Sudden Kiss Impulsive
That you do not expect
And a teasing Playful Kiss
With your lover at your neck
A Kiss of Longing Promise
Which makes your heart pound in your chest
And the Kiss of True Love
Which is said to be the best
And when the sky is weeping
There's a Kiss out in the rain
A Kiss That Changes Everything
And you can never be the same
A Kiss on the cheek, a Kiss on the hand
A Kiss on the mouth that steals your breath
A Kiss in Sorrow for all that was lost
A Kiss of Joy for all that is left
Kisses that laugh against your mouth
Kisses that bruise and Kisses that heal
Most tender the Kiss that is shared
But sweetest, the Kiss that you Steal
And something I wrote last month on election night, but never went back to polish, so it's pretty rough still.
Election Night
How can you tell if a polititian is lying?
But when his lips move and he promises change
Despite my cynicism I believe him.
Next will be the hard part, the striving and the trying
And change will come but slowly, if it comes at all.
He warns the road ahead is long
A hard steep climb awaits
But if we stand together, our people shall not fall
United we are strong enough
To shape our nation's fate.