Mar 30, 2003 21:22
wow my mom;s a bitch
i FUCKING HATE riding home with her
she turns off the radio so i cant avoid talking to her.
she asks me stupid questions about youth group, then we get into big arguments because our veiws are so difernet
today was "i dont trust you with your girlfreind" day
she "doesn't like the idea" of me sleeping with or even in the same building as Cindi. she doesnt want me getting all "touchy feeley"
im the same fucking kid youve been raising for 15 years! i didnt just change my set of values when i got a girlfreind.
and it's totally without basis. first of all, it;s none of her buisness, second of all, im a good kid really.
if id been getting suspentions and detentions left and right and i acted like an ass to her all the time, i could see why she would be worried.
i ended that conversattion
then she brought up the brining new people ino youh group issue.
i think hat we should close he door to freinds. (if you wan o bring a freind, to bad)
and for eveyone else, if you just joined the church, aftter a certain point you cant join until next year.
so say someone joins the church tomrow and they wan their kid in youh group. heres only 2 more months his year, so a litle wai unil nex year wont be a big deal.
for he people befor ha, they have to aproach whoever's in charge of RE and ask
but mom says has "ununitarian"
A) the other option (leting anyone join as long as hey are a meber of he church) is dificult because we have to specify whatt consttituttes a meber of tthe church.
Whats to stop someone from just becoming a meber for the soul purpose of joining youthgroup? You could just have your freind go to church one sunday and BAM theyre a member.
mom says to be a member of the church you have to contribute or pledge money. pledging is opional, so by defineition you DONT have to pledge to be a mamber of the church.
"Oh, well, their family has to be a member of the church" no dice mom. you can be up to 22 i think tto be in youtthgroup. so wha if someone goes to SNHU and wants to join the church, hen become a member of youtth group.
basically, to make it an open door we would have tto define whatt consttiues a member, and since tthere is no obligattion in the church, thats not possible.
i just hatte i when she talks about somehing she knows nothing abou, then insists tha im wrong.
oh well.
cool meetting, i can wait ttill the con
PS. the T on my keyboard is messed, so if here are alot of mistakes, now you kno why