Eyelaser Robo Jesus, no question. Zombie Jesus would be decaying, possibly slowed down (unless it's Dawn of the Dead zombie Jesus and he's fast as fuck), and utterly unable to zombify Robo Jesus because he's a robot. If Robo Jesus can't be zombified, he can fearlessly approach Zombie Jesus and thoroughly kick his dead ass.
I know I'm about to get too technical with this...but where are they fighting? And how powerful is Robo Jesus? Like Terminator Powerful or like a friggin' battle bot? Terminator Jesus - yes. Battle Bot Jesus...no
Both have the advantage of being emotionally unattached.
But I offer you this: When they offer you the "body of Christ" - would you rather eat body of Robo Jesus or of Zombie Jesus...
yes I'm at work...yes my brain is fried, yes I'm bored- and perhaps even chanelling Kirk
Comments 6
Both have the advantage of being emotionally unattached.
But I offer you this: When they offer you the "body of Christ" - would you rather eat body of Robo Jesus or of Zombie Jesus...
yes I'm at work...yes my brain is fried, yes I'm bored- and perhaps even chanelling Kirk
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