New Member

Jan 23, 2009 09:35

This place sounds like fun!

Username: dragonsinger
Name: Amy
Age: Do I really have to put this? 31
Birthday: July 29
Fandoms you write in: Charmed, Highlander, Supernatural, Terminator movies (mostly John/Kate), Heroes (seasons 1 and 2), The Mentalist, Twilight
Fandoms you read in: All the above
Fic 'wishlist': We'll go by fandom...

Charmed - Characters: Piper, Paige, Prue, Chris, Wyatt; Pairings: Piper/Leo, Paige/Kyle, Chris/OFC, Wyatt/OFC

Highlander - Characters: Richie (I'm in denial about the end of season five); Pairings: Duncan/Tessa

Supernatural - Characters: Dean, Sam, Ellen, Jo, Bella; Pairings: John/Mary, Sam/Jess, Dean/Bela

Terminator - Pairing: John/Kate

Heroes - Characters: Matt, Molly, Peter, Claire, Nathan, Heidi, Simon, Monty, Micah, Monica; Pairings: Nathan/Heidi, Matt/Janice, Noah/Sandra

The Mentalist - Pairings: Patrick/Teresa, Patrick/Grace, Wayne/Grace

Twilight - Pairings: Carlisle/Esme, Rosalie/Emmett, Alice/Jasper

Kinks: Plot, magic, a bit of romance
Ratings: G-R (NC-17 is okay as long as it's not the whole story)
Categories: het, gen, friendship
Squicks: slash, femslash, rape, badly written characters, character death
Additional Information: I love and adore AUs, crossovers, genderbends (the ones where they were always a girl or boy), and well-written original characters

&dragonsinger, heroes, terminator, supernatural, the mentalist, twilight, highlander, charmed

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