Birthday: (please write out the month so there is no confusion between international ways to write dates, and your birth date)July 14
Fandoms you write in:NCIS,Tin Man, Lone Gunmen, Crusade, Angel the series, Doctor Who, Boomtown, Magnificent Seven, Torchwood, Buffy, Star Trek (all of them)
Fandoms you read in:NCIS,Tin Man, Lone Gunmen, Crusade, Angel the series, Doctor Who, boomtown, Medical Investigation, Star Trek(any, all), Buffy
Fic 'wishlist': (list pairings, ideas, etc.)I'm pretty easy
Kinks: (things you would like to see in a fic)No slash of any sort
Ratings: (list the ratings you are comfortable reading) any
Categories: (het, slash, gen, femslash, friendship)Het and gen
Squicks: (all the things you won't read, things you hate)Don't like Cordy in Angel
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