Nov 13, 2008 14:33

Any questions for the moderator can be left here.  Comments are screened.

Who can join?
Do you like writing and/or reading fic? Then YOU.

How do I join?
Click join and fill out the member survey. Go here for more details.

What if I don't write? Can I still join?
Yes, but since this is bday_fics, I would like for all members to share fics for other members. At this time I'm not broadening the scope to art, icons, etc.  If there is enough desire for other mediums, then I'll change this answer.

Can I advertise my community on here?
If it is fic related and you check with the moderator first, most likely yes.

How do I find someone to write for?
Check the birthday list for upcoming birthdays or the tags.  Once you find a member who enjoys a fandom that you are into, write away!

How do I find someone to write for me?
You don't.  They will find you by checking your member survey.

Can I ask for specific fics?
In your member survey? YES. In a post to the community? NO. 
Please do not post to the community saying that your birthday is coming up and you'd really like a fic.  I will post upcoming birthdays, and what you would like to read will be listed in your member survey.

I like different fandoms now than I did when I joined. Should I make a new survey?
Nope; just edit your current survey and update your tags.

I wrote a fic for someone. What should I do?
Post it to the community with the proper headers, Adult Content setting, and under a cut. Tag the entry with your name, the recipient's name, and the fandom.

So I can just post fic whenever?
Actually, no. We had a community poll to address this.  If its ever a problem, we'll re-address it, but the window to post fic is 10 days, 3 days before until 10 days after.  The point is to keep it around the person's birthday but still give a window for real life stuff that might be going on with the author.  So if someone's birthday is the 15th, fics can be posted for that person from the 12th to the 22nd.

I want to post the fic I wrote in my writing journal.  Can I just link it?
Yes, you can post your fic wherever you would like.  Please just post the headers with the link in this community.

Will you kick people out?
Yes. If you don't follow rules, start drama, are insulting or beligerient to another member, I'll have to ban you.  Please treat each other with respect.  Please take this as the warning.

What about feedback?
I've never met a writer who doesn't enjoy feedback.  If you're a writer and you don't want feedback, please make it clear in the headers.  If you're a reader and you want to offer feedback, as long as it's constructive and not a flame, it'll be appreciated.

Do we have to lock our member surveys?*
I'd prefer that everything besides the join, FAQ, affiliate, banner, survey, and calendar posts are members locked just for neatness.  At this time, membership is not moderated (only initial posts are). So once someone clicks 'join' anyone will be able to see every post.  So it's whatever you're comfortable with, but I'd like the member surveys to be locked for aesthetic reasons.

Why is my member survey submitted to a moderator before being posted?
This is so that I can keep the community organized.  When I see a notification to approve a survey, I can check and if necessary fix the tags, update the community's user info if you have a fandom I didn't list in the interests, and most importantly, I can immediately add you to the calendar.

So, does a moderator have to approve every post? If I write a fic, will it post right away?
At this time, members' post after the survey are not moderated.  If you have joined by not posted your survey, your posts will still be moderated.  If you have posted your survey, then you can post to the community whenever you would like without waiting for moderator approval.  The first time someone violates the FAQs or initiates drama, all posts will be moderated.  I'd rather keep this place fun for all; that's my only goal.

Are we allowed to comment on Surveys in case we have a question to the member?* Absolutely! Interaction can only make the community stronger.  As long as you keep all comments respectful, comments are welcomed on all posts.

Do I make my own tags, or will the moderator do that?
Every member can make and add their own tags. Please be aware of pre-existing tags. For example, all the current Pirates of the Caribbean entries are tagged POTC, so writing it out adds a tag and also defeats the purpose of tags. Another mini issue is spellings of things, such as Tin Man and Tinman: two tags for the same thing. If you want to wait until your entry posts and add to the tags from the list, that's an option. As long as you create your "&user name" tag and post that with the survey, the other tags are optional (but encouraged).

I have a question about something you didn't mention.  How do I get my answer?
Ask in a comment and I'll answer!.

Member asked questions marked with a *

!modpost, !faq

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