I realized that the top entry on this journal was still the text of the rejection letter and I haven't truly been feeling that sting for a few days. Since that afternoon I attended a rehearsal of my wife's upcoming show AWOL, conceived and performed by the Eleffant Foot troupe, and had J.J. Abrams throw my psyche into tailspin not just once (Star Trek) but twice (last night's Lost)1, all of which distracted me long enough to escape the vortex of my disappointment.
I'm proceeding forward with my life at this point under the assumption that Northwestern didn't want me this year, either--although I'm aware that I could still hear something in June--so I'm doing things like looking at opportunities in the fall and winter, including the month-long tour back to Woolly Mammoth in December.
And I'm taking the time to assess and affirm. I was raised to believe in the praise and acceptance of authority figures; consequently I have a bit of a glass jaw when it comes to rejection. I usually hit the mat and consider staying down for the count.
But this is my schedule for the summer. And it should go without saying that if you have the opportunity to catch any of this, I'd love to see you there.
(1) I'll be appearing on
THE PARTLY DAVE SHOW this Saturday only, performing, alongside Neo-Futurists John Pierson and Rachel Claff, my very short play Grew Up Quick and Grew Up Mean, which was written specifically for this month's theme of "Fairy and Folk Tales."
(2) On June 21st there will be a staged reading of my play Reading Habits of the Drowned Novelist through
New Leaf Theatre, with whom I recently finished working on The Long Count. The play was commissioned for this year's Mid-North Summerfest, an event for which I last year contributed the impossible-to-stage short play Raptor and Scavenger.
(3) I'm in preliminary discussions right now to stage my new play The Final Night of the First Intention as a participant in this year's
Abbie Hoffman Died for Our Sins festival, occurring at a time TBA within the 72-hour span of August 14-16. This would be the first time in, I think, four years. I've missed it.
(4) And the above completely precludes my work with the Neo-Futurists this summer. That list includes the following:
- Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind -- June 18 - July 19, and August 7-23.
- TML Pride Edition: 30 Queer Plays in 60 Straight Minutes -- June 5 and 6
- TML gigs for the University of Chicago on June 7 and Fremd High School on June 19
- Teaching a workshop for Fremd on June 17 and teaching a six-week Beginning Neo-Futurism workshop from July 18 - August 29
- Curating this year's It Came From The Neo-Futurarium! "film fest," for which I'll also be appearing in Cool As Ice on June 25th and for which I'll be adapting the July 30 presentation of Legend
So...yes. I'm good. For every internal and external force that tells me I'm tilting at windmills, there's the possibility that I can, through sheer force of will, turn them into dragons.
1 Spoilers for either Lost or Trek may be posted in the comments. In fact, I'd appreciate the discussion.