Deep Blue knows better.

May 08, 2009 14:02

Dan Choi, an Arabic linguist and distinguished soldier working in our Armed Forces, who also happens to be homosexual, is about to be the first American soldier under President Obama's administration discharged for violation of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," a policy signed into law during Bill Clinton's administration that was a mistake at least a hundred times worse than the one for which he was impeached. Despite the notable attention shined on DADT during the last administration, when report after report of such skilled personnel being removed from our military at the time we most need them, the policy somehow manages to linger, still, like that creepy guy in the overcoat across the street from the daycare center.

The general tenor of Obama's administration towards this egregious error has been to delay doing something about it until later, that of battles picked and battles joined, this one can wait.

So in the meantime, I'd like to propose we all play a game of chess, with my variant DADT rules:

One player chooses to represent the Americans.
That player removes their queen from the board.
If that player manages to get a pawn to the other side, that pawn becomes a queen.
Remove that queen from the board.

If somebody manages to win the game under these restrictions, please let me know how you did it.

rant, politics

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