B-fire! welcome tot he world of battle B-daman, now playable on the GBA soon int he USA!
Allright, time to get..seriousish, I'm going to overview the parts of the game and a few other things to how far I've gotten, so enjoy! :D
GAMEPLAY- The most important part! :D
The gameplay, what we play games for! The gameplay is good, you go through the world through a bunch of graphical menus, useing diffrent options to talk, summon Tommycat for a hint(i think..)and choose your opponent in the local b-dabattlefields. When in the battle(choseing between DHB and..that one with the puck. i forget the name) You move with the arrow keys, tilt your B-daman with the L and R keys, use the A button to shoot a b-daball and a combination of B and the arrow keys to fire specail attacks; rangeing from the devastateing colbat power blast and to a nondescript explodeing b-daball.
GRAPHICS- another important part!
I have less to comment on the graphics, they aren't pushing the GBA to it's limits but it's still nice looking, and close to the show, everyone looks right and so do their B-daman, although the b-daman DO look somewhat flat and that is dissapointing, especally when you're batleing Gray or another who have insanely awesome looking b-daman.
STORY- What ties it all together
The story, as far as I can tell follows the story of the show to a T(other than colbat blade not being fully esembelled at the start) starting with Yamato receiveing colbat blade(who is at the time nothing more than a standard IBA launcher) and running off into town to learn to b-dabattle and then return to the cat cafe, and find that their throwing a birthday party!(or something like that..I think i missed the first episode) only to have it crashed by Gray and Chrome Zephry. Yamato finds the top peice to colbat blade and quickly attaches it and challanages Grey to a match, defeating it with his newly gained ability to make the b-daballs into fireballs. It continues on from there, deviateing from the show for awhile while you gain more peices of colbat blade and the shop opens up, and then the training with Armada. After that..I dunno. I have't been able to find out what i'm suppost to do with all the japanese.
Screenshots can be found
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v347/jimi92/b-daman%20screenshots/ there.