
Sep 12, 2007 08:34

hey everyone,

i know i havent posted in a while. back to school after a grand summer. too grand. went and visited my sister 2 weekends ago for labor day..had a lot of fun with the family : ). been a rough week this week though...going home this weekend to attend 2 lucky can a girl get? ya not soo muchh!! one of the people is a really good friend of the family..i grew up with her and her kids; they attended birthday parties, grad parties, any celebrations you can think of..just a very close friend that will be missed. its the first person that has been close to the family that has passed away and is still very shocking to everyone. the one grandparent that i could have gotten close to died when i was about 2 yrs, so i dont remember, and the others that have passed I have unfortunately have not had a good/close relationship with. this friend had cancer that just took over her body and unfortunetly she passed away only being in her 40's. i guessed thats why i have been so upset about it...she was soo young still; lived only half of her life. whats even worse is that about a month ago she was with my family and 2 other families having a wonderful time in some pain at times due to the cancer, but was able to do things with everyone. that just shows you how powerful cancer can be! its very sad : (. The other person that passed away has been unwell off and on for a while. she is elderly..a good friend of my grandmothers and I believe she is connected to the family in some way. we called her aunt, but i dont think she was my aunt, but maybe my fathers...idk, someway she was connected and even though i didnt know her as well as the last person, i still knew her and it is very sad to see her go. may both Rest In Peace O:).

well on a good note, I am going to visit brooke in NC in october...I am very excitedd since I have not seen her since graduation pretty much!! that should be alot of fun..i will let you know how that goes when I get back. i have also applied to be part of a study abroad course in january for 10 days to Peru..I really hope I get it! I have never been to that part of the world before and think it would be really cool. I would be going with about 6 or 7 other students as well 2 teachers...we all stay together in house, so it is very safe. you only pay a set fee that includes the flight, accomadations, food, and any excursions we may do..hopefully i will find out soooonn!!! :) i will let you know.

well everything else is going my head into the books, so I dont really have time to do anything else, but i did start horseback riding again..i really enjoy it. only once a week, but that is fine for now. i am going into the classroom next week to do practicums for 2 of my classes, so that will take up the spare time that i do have now..but i am very excitedd..needless to sayy, I will be veryy bussyyyyy!! leave one.
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