Feb 22, 2004 00:08
OK OMG SADIE'S WAS SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME! Alright well it wasn't THAT great, but I got to dance with a certain someone......AND ANOTHER CERTAIN SOMEONE(slow dance)!! But overall it was pretty good. Parker was an awesome 1/2 date!!! I am like walking on air cuz of the CERTAIN SOMEONE I GOT TO SLOW DANCE WITH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! OK I'm done now. No, wait, I'M NOT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I totally screamed when I told Madeline lol. I still want to scream! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! He's online.....to talk to him or not to talk to him....that is the question! I say not. But ok I wore Ellen's black skirt, my new flat Jacks that I bought with Ellen today, and this hot pink t-shirt that says RAMONES on it. (The theme was retro...I went 80's!) Cool beans! So I slooooww danced with a CERTAIN SOMEONE, another certain someone, Show, and Park. Beautiful. And I also danced with a certain someone (OoOoOh!), Show, Park, Raph, Jaden, and then like Cassie R. like molested me...lol. Oh Show is on my list twice! Maybe there's something there....how exciting! Alright well I have to go be cool....lol love you!
P.S. Me, Madeline, Parker, Faye, Beau, Rose, Mickey, Shannon D, Jaden, Brittany, Erin, Becca, Katelyn, and two girls I didn't know all went to Red Robin for dinner. It was really fun and we saw three other groups of Central people and a group of Cleveland girls headed to their Winter Formal!