Nov 24, 2004 18:05
It's funny how one person can change your life so much, but others just kind of float in and out, never really making a dent. See, I never knew Gabe last year, I always thought he was a Sophomore for some reason. And for some reason, he just started talking to me last spring. I found out what an incredible person he was. So just think about it. I just got to know this one person. Imagine how many other people there are at school who I've never talked to, never gotten to know how great they can be. It's weird to think about it. I kinda feel like I'm in this rut, like only talk to the same people every day. I really haven't been very...nice lately. If I continue being mean, people won't re-elect me for class President. Ha. What a profound thought. Excellent. Maybe I should go now. Enough thinking.
Four day weekend! YES.
I need somebody to talk to about this. I've been feeling kind of ditched lately.