
(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 18:46

So it has been brought up that Senator Obama is such a rapid partisan because he votes with his party 96% of the time. So I did some research and found through the Washington Post this same number. John McCain, voted with his party 88.1%. What is interesting is that they do not tell you how much of either these percentages also aligned with the other party. Several of the votes Senator Obama made were in line with both parties, but they count in this 96% number. Same for John McCain.

Also, the numbers are based on 235 votes by Senator McCain and 352 votes by Senator Obama. A difference of over 100 votes between the two.

Interesting also, 29 votes by John McCain were against his party while 14 votes by Senator Obama went against his party. The difference, 15 votes. Thats it, John McCain voted 15 more times against his party. Is that really a maverick? Sentor Olympia Snow, a republican, voted over 200 times against her party. Ben Nelson, a Democrat also did the same.

A percentage may make people feel better but it is not an equal comparator. Also, some of these votes are procedural, which given it is a Democrat controlled congress it is no surprise for these procedural votes Senator Obama would be more likely to follow his party.

Also on the area of guilty by association, I have family and friends who have said or done things I never would do or support. It does not mean I believe or am going to do those things. If that was the case I would not be friends with some of my conservative friends. I am not expected to denounce my family and friends and neither should Sentor Obama.

You don't agree with his policies fine, you think he is too liberal, maybe, but not because of a 96% voting record that does not prove he is the most liberal ever. You think that it means because he supported ACORN that he supports fraud, fine then Dick Cheny pushed a war to get his old company Haliburton no bid government contracts and increase his profit share. Come on.
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