
Debate thoughts

Sep 28, 2008 09:08

I ended up only watching 70 minutes of the 90 minute debate. From the 70 minutes I saw I have the following thoughts.

1) I did not like the casual way Senator Obama referred to Senator McCain. I think using his first name was done as a way to make it easier to dismiss his views and points by portraying him as an average old man and not a U.S. Senator. I realize it may kind of be a silly thing but I respect the fact that most of the time Senator McCain referred to his opponent as Senator Obama or Mr. Obama.

2) I was disappointed at the lack of substance on the economic areas by both candidates. Both were pressed several times to say what they would have to give up in their current plans if the 700 billion bailout plan passes. Senator Obama really made no statements on this except at one point to suggest a diminish in some of the areas of his plan. But he still called for a tax cut to 95% (paid for by tax increases on the others) and did not dispute when Senator McCain stated Senator Obama also wanted increased spending. Senator McCain harped on the old mantra of "cut spending" but also lacked much specifics. He did reference he would want a spending freeze on all areas except national defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs. So I did some research. According to CBO for FY2008 (which is about to end), discretionary spending accounted for 1,127,648,000,000 of the federal budget. Defense discretionary spending is $567,172,000.000 and Veteran Affairs spending is $54,520,000,000, leaving roughly 505,956,000,000. Now the good Senator from Arizona said that 18 billion in earmarks is allocated a year. A large amount of that is likely in the remaining 505,956,000,000. I will be conservative though and give him 1/3 of that for defense earmarks (likely contained in the defense discretionary), which is 6 billion. So that would mean that 511,956,000,000 would be left in discretionary spending to cut. He also is purposing tax cuts but the full details I do not know so I will not count them in this little activity. This means in order to off-set the 700 billion dollars Senator McCain would have to cut ALL discretionary spending. This means highway funds, government operating funds, court funds, federal law enforcement, etc. So while I am disappointed Senator Obama did not have specifics on how his priorities would be affected I am even more disappointed that Senator McCain purposed a solution that just would not work. Although I am sure they would both take on more debt to fund the bailout. I also was very irritated because Senator McCain continues to say Senator Obama's tax plan will raise taxes on those making $41,000 or more. Which is untrue and has been proven untrue for months.

3) I was also very irritated at the arguing over who Henry Kissinger agreed with more. Senator Obama made clear he did not mean presidential level talks and only was talking about pre-conditioned talks in general. Senator McCain however felt the need to keep hammering Senator Obama in what I felt was a very condescending manner. This was both in his facial expressions and in his proclamation of being Kissinger's friend for 35 years and laughing as he said it. I think Senator Obama mis-spoke his original point about it but he corrected his mistake and Senator McCain continued to jump on it. It was in my opinion a waste of good debate time by both of them.

4) I did find Senator McCains quip about Senator Obama not knowing the difference between a strategy and a tactic. It reminded me of something my friend Sean would say. I do not know if Senator Obama used the term correctly as that it out of my area of knowledge.

5) I thought the discussions on Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran were interesting. I thought Senator Obama did an excellent job showing how Senator McCains characterization of Obama's votes for the troops was wrong and was really about voting on a timetable, not on supporting the troops. I also agree that Senator McCain mis-stated what Senator Obama has said about going into Pakistan. I did think it was kind of a cheap shot for Senator Obama to say Senator McCain sings songs about bombing Iran. It may have happened but I do not think it was something serious and was just Senator McCains sense of humor.

I think the candidates should have the questions ahead of time and should have to cite credible sources and have proof, like in a real debate. The reality is that issues are just too complicated for 2 minute a piece and 5 minute exchange to be successful.
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