I have a 10 page paper due in my marketing class tomorrow (the one with the aforementioned worthless old professor who is stealing my air), and I'm supposed to pick a current aspect of marketing and discuss whether it's a fad or fashion. This may be, over the course of my academic career, the most worthless topic for a paper I've ever heard of. Speaking of that class, my group had a 20 minute powerpoint presentation today, and one of the girls in my group froze completely during her part of the presentation for about 30 seconds. Literally froze, like she started out with "So, referring to our break even analysis..." and then didn't talk or move again for half a minute. Everyone in the class kind of looked around uncomfortably, there was some nervous coughing, and one girl in the back started laughing and had to restrain herself. It was a nice awkward moment for everyone.
I tie the most ghetto half-windsor knot ever. If clip on ties weren't for retarded people, I would probably just use those.
I noticed yesterday that when you order a combo at Wendy's, you can replace the fries with a side salad or some chili or some other shit. I was feeling crazy so I got a side caesar salad instead, and it was really good. Everyone knows I hate all vegetables, so if I like a salad it's probably the best salad in the entire world.
The 2k4 Huaraches I ordered came in yesterday, and they fit perfectly. I know nobody cares, but I'm more confident cutting and landing with these shoes than any in recent memory. If you're looking for a new pair of basketball shoes I'd recommend getting some, because the 2k5's just came out and you'll likely be able to get last years version on clearance. Just remember to get a half size smaller than you normally wear for Nike, because the 2k4 Huaraches run a little big.
I straight laced my Wedges. There are apparently dozens of ways you can actually
lace up your shoes. Check out the lattice and checkerboard versions. If, for some reason, shoe lacing and knot tying excite you, then this site will make you crap your pants and throw up on your keyboard at the same time. Are your shoelaces coming undone all the time? Apparently that means you're tying them wrong. Salvation is yours at Ian's Shoelace Site!
Me and Alena are looking into going back to Taiwan over the summer to teach English, which seems like it would be really cool. After research though, it looks like you need to have at least a BA degree in most places, plus the majority of jobs require at least a 1 year contract. I don't know that we'll be able to do that this summer, but it's definitely something that I could fall back on if I don't have a job lined up when I finally decide to graduate. The benefits of Taiwan should be obvious: low cost of living, great food, I'm a foot taller than everyone else, 2 out of every 3 girls there are attractive, and I can get fake Huaraches for probably $20 or something.
I think I'm gonna cancel my World of Warcraft account. OMGZWTFBBQ!!!11??/ I'm gonna miss seeing guild names like Clan of Redundancy Clan, and the Neverland Ranch Survivors.
This NCAA tourney has been amazing so far, the Elite Eight itself had enough good basketball to last an entire year. The only thing that will make it better is if the Heels go on to win at the last second in triple overtime over Illinois in the finals. Who scores the winning bucket? Sean May, of course, the guy that's been carrying them on his back all season.
I can't think of anything else. Maybe more to come as I think of it. Why doesn't anyone else update lately? What am I supposed to waste my time reading late at night if no one updates their journals/xangas? Lazy jerks.