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Sep 20, 2008 07:37

While packing boxes I've dipped into the library's Ark Angel series of the complete works of Shakespeare. Self conscious - I don't want to look like Snobby McSnobberson - I've told at least 2 librarians that listening to Shakespeare beats listening to talk radio -- which I sometimes still do and which is illuminating, often peculiarly, as in regards to Henry VI, Part 2 and the wonderfully awful Jack Cade. Act 4, Scene 2 (Cade and his rabble kill a guy's ass for literacy and numeracy) sounds like something that could be carried off in this world should things tank completely. A lot of the callers into the talk radio sound like they'd kill anyone their white godheads command them tear into.

Did you know Rush has a Ditto Cam? And you pay for the privilege of viewing the Ditto Cam? I can't imagine someone sitting in front of their computer for 3 hours watching a very rich man talk into a microphone, but what do I know from the sports distracting minds easily sculpted to vote against their own well being. I can listen to Rush, tops, half an hour. Sean Hannity - who is a Muppet...just look at him - I can take about 5 minutes before desiring to perforate my eardrums. And Bill O'Reilly is such a piece of egotistical shit...Maybe 15 minutes at most although it's fun to picture him in Krusty the Clown make up and dress.

Ark Angel has failed me. The actor's in A Midsummer's Night Dream irritated the hell out of me. I couldn't finish Antony and Cleopatra because Cleopatra sounded 65 and a lifetime smoker. The scene in Cymbeline where all these ghosts show up in Posthumus' cell and sing was more excruciating than any elementary school musical I have ever witnessed or participated in; having said that, the play itself hits some wondrous highs and Iachimo is a true prick with a silver tongue.

The Merchant of Venice is awesome. Poor Shylock. Poor Antonio, putting up his soul for forfeit. Poor Portia and Nerissa and their untrustworthy husbands. Twelfth Night - which I read instead of listened to - has Malvolio, the Puritan, the steward who hates people enjoying themselves; I am in love with Malvolio. Another character I've liked so much is the Gaoler's Daughter in The Two Noble Kinsmen -- she's cut from Ophelia cloth, but with more screen time. In my mind she looks like Helena Bonham Carter, how can she not?

Before we're out of here I hope to knock off the two parts of Henry IV and Henry V. To be historically accurate yes I should've listened to those before leaping into Henry VI, but hitting Richard II and then going to Henry VI I see why those Yorks were so, so pissed.
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