Nov 09, 2006 13:55
Usually you'd think that paying things online is more convenient, and more easily tracked. Well, this is true if the recepient has already setup a system for you to easily pay with a CC or transfer funds. This is typically true in all cases except when paying your rent, like me. So i thought it would make sense to discontinue the 'painstaking' process of writing a check by hand, and save a huge 39cents/month on stamps.
Turns out Bank of America's eBill system debits your account on the delivery date you select, regardless of whether or not the check has been received or cashed by the recepient. ALSO, the status of your payment is no longer updated online, because they send out a corporate check, and as far as they're concerned you've already paid. So you have no idea whether or not someone actually got the check, or received it.
Granted, they say that if no one cashes their check after 90 DAYS!!! you'll get your money back. SIGH.
As you can probably guess what happened, no one likes seeing their account being siphoned off and then receive an angry phone call asking for their money.
Stick to pen and paper.