I'm not accomplishing anything today. I just feel extra tired - kind of like I'm getting a cold, and I can't get motivated to move. I'm tempted to just curl up on the couch and read this book
ruthette says I should read. I thought I had read it a long time ago, but now I don't think so. There are just so many good books waiting to be read and not enough time to read them all...
I'm also tired because because I got home and got to bed later than usual last night - but it was worth it. I won two passes for an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so Cory and I went to that. We got to the theater about 3 hours before the movie, so I took the book to read in line, but didn't get to it. We just ended up talking to the people in line with us. Anyway, it was all worth the wait because we got great seats and the movie was AWESOME! It was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. Speaking of books, I really, really want to re-read all the Harry Potter books - and a few other series, too - but right now mainly Harry Potter. Before seeing this movie Cory re-read every one of the books, up to HBP, and watched all the movies. I wish I had time for that! Maybe by the time this comes out on DVD?