My dad sent me this cartoon - because it made him think of me. I wonder why that is?
Just because I can't imagine why anyone would shop without coupons, or buy something that isn't on sale? I was reading this post where Elizabeth asked, "
Seriously is Kohl's ever NOT having a sale?" and it reminded me of when I worked at Kohl's. She's right, everything is always on sale. If it's not on sale this week, just wait until next week. If someone ever actually paid full price for something, we were amazed.
I've even got my husband using coupons. I was thinking about going shopping today, but there weren't that many things in the ad that I couldn't live without. Not enough to make it worth my while to actually run to the store. Besides, you know those sales? They change right in the middle of the week, so I figured I'd wait and see what goes on sale starting tomorrow and then maybe go tomorrow. So, instead of shopping, I dusted and vacuumed and fun stuff like that.
Then, before he came home from work, Jeffrey called. He was at Pick 'n Save and wanted to know if I needed anything. How convenient. Since he was already there, I had him grab a few things, those things that just weren't important enough for me to make a special trip, but things that would be nice to have. He ended up bringing home a lifetime supply of Ramen noodles for Cory. OK, not a lifetime supply, but lots of them. That boy loves his Ramen noodles. Jeffrey also got some Grands biscuits since they were on sale for $1/can. If I had known he was going to get them, I could have sent him some coupons. He did good, though, because because there were coupons on the cans, and he used those.
Now, since I had Jeffrey grab a thing or two, I won't need to go to the store until next week. That's nice. I can stay home, do some more dusting and vacuuming, cleaning and stuff, and hopefully even get my receipts and bills caught up in Quicken - so I know how much money I can spend when I do go shopping!