Jan 02, 2005 00:04
2005 started without my realizing it. Those of us at Christian's actually missed midnight and the big "dropping of the ball." We were all sitting around drunk playing "Never Have I Ever" and feeling like giggly adolescents when we suddenly realized it was 12:02... Elena and Christian made a mad dash for the champagne and Audrey hurled herself at Daniel for their New Year's kiss. I just sort of sat there drunkenly until someone called my name for champagne...So the New Year just sort of snuck up on me and caught me completely unawares..in a drunken stupor...leaving me a bit dazed. Good God, let's hope that's not a metaphor for my life!
I came to the conclusion last night that New Year's Eve is the worst holiday for singles. Even more so than Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is about expressing your love for EVERYONE you care about..not just that significant other and you can always ask a friend to be your valentine. But New Year's comes right at the end of "the holidays:" a time where family and relationships are celebrated and where mass consumerism and religion do their best to make us feel that a marriage and family are absolutely essential for a fulfilling existence. After being hit in the face with this for 2 solid months, it becomes clear to the single person that New Year's Eve is a couples' holiday...or at least that's how it felt to me, even though I was fortunate enough to be surrounded with plenty of loving friends that I care about very much. And to any singles out there who had a terrific and deeply satisfying New Year who completely disagree with my analysis..fuck off...and I'm happy for you.
I was going to revisit 2005, but then I realized I really didn't care to. I think it's better to look to the future than to dwell on the past (at least on livejournal..i will reflect and dwell in my head). So on to my
New Year's resolutions:
1) Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. (my standard, every year resolution)
a) Kick Lori's ass in our bet!
2) Be more emotionally honest, both with myself and others.
3) Be less gossipy (this will be a tough one...everyone gossips sometimes, but I've been excessive)
4) Be kinder. (My friends may like me as a sarcastic smart ass, but I remember all too well how much words can hurt. And they hurt just as much at 20 or 21 as they did at 12. I've said and done some very cruel things this year.)
a) I will start by deleting the Pan and Chester website.
5) Boycott Wal-Mart. (I decided tonight that I could never work for Wal-Mart again due to their non-existent business ethics. If my moral conscience won't let me work there, why should it allow me to shop their guilt free?)
Bring it 2005!