Dec 16, 2004 15:35
Last night at the pub was much fun. It was really good to see everyone again...I really have missed you people (please excuse the surprise). I guess it'll be good to be back at Bluffton after all. But you'd all better bring your asses down to see me since I have my own room now!!!! My own awesome room at that, with all my multicultural flags and souvenirs! Whoo hoo!
I went through all my pictures and stuff for my NI scrapbooks today and I'm getting really excited!! Deb's coming over tomorrow so we can swap pictures and then I can start scrapbooking!!! Yay!! I bought my scrapbooks in London and they're awesome! They're made of natural paper, wood, shell, stone, and preserved leaves. I got two of them at a little shop in London and they were only 8 pounds each!!! They're worth twice that at least!
And after I get these done, I'm finally going to start my Vietnam scrapbooking...looks like I'll be occupied over break!