IF YOU ARE ON MY FRIENDS LIST, OR IF I AM ON YOURS, FILL THIS OUT PLEASE: 1. screen name: OhLittleAsianOne 2. birthday: 6 27 89 3. place of residence: zimbabwe 4. what makes you happy: YOU 5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: songs in my head. spell on you -aqualung. whatever the title's called 6. do you read my lj: fxxx ya! 7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: sometimes they are sad. but recently they've been good! 8. an interesting fact about you: i am a minority. which makes me the same minority that you are. meaning we must be related!! (hence you are my bro) 9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: probably 10. favourite place to be: chandler mall or vyt... sad but true 11. favourite lyric: I DONT NEED MUUUUCH! JUST MY OWN SPPAAACCCE! hahahahaha oh stevie. 12. best time of the year: the summer! 13. weirdest food you like: macaroni and cheese with cheezits and mild salsa 14. do farts make you laugh: depending on the circumstance
RECOMMEND 1. a film: man on the moon 2. a book: perks of being a wallflower 3. a band, a song and an album: carpenters!, goodbye my lover (james blunt), strange&beautiful (aqualung)
PLUS 1. one thing you like about me: i can always count on you to listen to my problems 2. two things you like about yourself: hm..i'm not a druggie...and...need i say more? :] 3. put this in your lj so i can tell you what i think of you. uhmkay 4. Optional:
1. screen name: OhLittleAsianOne
2. birthday: 6 27 89
3. place of residence: zimbabwe
4. what makes you happy: YOU
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: songs in my head. spell on you -aqualung. whatever the title's called
6. do you read my lj: fxxx ya!
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: sometimes they are sad. but recently they've been good!
8. an interesting fact about you: i am a minority. which makes me the same minority that you are. meaning we must be related!! (hence you are my bro)
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: probably
10. favourite place to be: chandler mall or vyt... sad but true
11. favourite lyric: I DONT NEED MUUUUCH! JUST MY OWN SPPAAACCCE! hahahahaha oh stevie.
12. best time of the year: the summer!
13. weirdest food you like: macaroni and cheese with cheezits and mild salsa
14. do farts make you laugh: depending on the circumstance
1. a film: man on the moon
2. a book: perks of being a wallflower
3. a band, a song and an album: carpenters!, goodbye my lover (james blunt), strange&beautiful (aqualung)
1. one thing you like about me: i can always count on you to listen to my problems
2. two things you like about yourself: hm..i'm not a druggie...and...need i say more? :]
3. put this in your lj so i can tell you what i think of you. uhmkay
4. Optional:
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