What the hell is it, lately, with the STUPIDITY??
I have been sitting around, for the last few weeks, watching all of this STUPIDITY unfold right before my eyes. If I didn't have
anthrprettyface as witness, I think I would just go crazy and think that I am making more drama out of the drama that is before me.
WTF is it with people that do stupid shit and then get angry at the people around them that are calling them on their stupidity? Or better yet - the ones that do stupid shit and then come AT YOU (on the attack) with some fired up lame-ass twisted explanation of events - that, quite frankly, you don't give a fuck about because That's ... Not ... The ... Point. You haven't even gone off on that person, or given that person any reason to go off on you, but yet they are.
Hello!! They are in the wrong! What gives them the right to be angry and nasty and on the attack?? They say that they don't want to lose your frienship, yet, they are doing everything in their power to do just that - and crying about it at the same time! And making the other person, or persons, out to be the bad guy - when in FACT - THEY ARE WRONG!!!!!