Election...please dont turn this into a political discussion board.

Nov 03, 2004 18:15

I'm back, for one entry at least.

As you can probably guess, yesterday was not a good day for me. I'd like to point out why. First, we lost the presidential election. Bush, a man who has lost jobs and started a war on false pretenses and upped our deficit by amazing proportions, was reelected. And I ask why? There was record turnout....that should favor Kerry. The economy has many problems...that should favor Kerry too.

But, of course, it comes down to one issue: Morals.

I look at the 3 million vote difference and realize that this election wasnt stolen (unless Diebold has some screwy machines, which is possible if unlikely). No, the majority of Americans see Bush as more moral than Kerry. I, personally, don't believe this at all. But I see the way the fundamentalist, right wing christians have amazing influence.

And the sadness doesn't just stop with the presidential election. The democrats lost seats in both the house and senate, widening republican control of both. This also means that conservatives will probably be appointed en masse to all levels of the judiciary branch of the government...appointed for life. In short, we are in for conservative control for a long, long time.

And so I ask myself the question...why do factory workers losing their jobs still vote for a president who has lost jobs? Why do poor people vote for a president who gives tax cuts to the rich? The answer is resoundingly this: Morals. They identify with Bush's pastor-like demeanor, his belief in a divine endorsement, and his beliefs that the few, strong moral people in the world should maintain power...that they have a right to maintain power and use any means to achieve God's divine ends.

I don't agree. But it makes me think.

Why do people see the liberals as so immoral? Why are we seen as "blowing in the wind" with no conviction. From the liberals I know and love, this could not be farther from the truth.

And so I have come to a conclusion. It is time for a change in the Democratic party. It's time for the democrats to stop running scared and really stand up for what they believe in. While many republicans will think the following statement a grand oxymoron, I'm going to say it anyway. And it's true.

The Democrats--the liberals--need to become both more liberal and more religious.

But not religious in the way the Republicans are. Morality is always in politics, but the liberals call on the best good for the most people while the republicans call on God's will to back up their actions.

We need to go back to what Liberal really means--to me at least. It means compassion. It means empathy. It means understanding. It means an open mind. It means being non-judgemental. And, above all things, it means love. It means a love of every single human being, regardless of race, creed, or beliefs, and a desire to make that person's life better...a desire to make america and the rest of the world better.

That's what's missing from Bush's actions. Liberals tried to win by arguing the facts, the policies, and the way America should be governed. Conservatives won by arguing principles. I disagree with many of these principles, but acknowledge that good policy comes from good Principles.

So, all you liberals, I ask you to think...what are your principles? What do you believe in? And, if we start from that basis, then maybe the rest of the world will better understand us. Will better understand our policies. And will better understand our hopes for America and the world.

Finally, I ask everyone, Republicans and Democrats, to make one simple prayer...a prayer that we all can agree on. God, give Bush the guidance to lead with the principles of love and humility. May he find a way to unite America. And may he make life better for Americans and the rest of the world.

I am unbelievably skeptical, but all it not lost. My principles are right, and that's a great start.
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