Thursday show last night.
I actually dont think ive EVER been to a more intense show. But it comes with the music i guess. Geoff is an intense writer, his lyrics are incredibly deep. and when everyone in a crowded sweaty room sings these lyrics back to him its just incredibly intense.
Firstly i must say that the Thursday set at Soundwave was CRAZY :] i enjoyed it to no end. I swear its only at thursday shows that you have these moments. Its fucking beautiful. Its fucking therapy.
Yeah so at soundwave they played 10 songs! which is a lot for a festival situation. We were in the second row back right in the middle and he jumped up on the barrier and was holding on to everyone singing. i just i cant even describe how it feels.
but this is one shot from Soundwave
Well i love it.... :P
then we went to the signing tent (by chance) and saw that thursday would be signing.
yeah? shut the fuck up about his teeth :P he is the most amazing guy EVER.
While the sound was a lot better at the festival...
the sideshow at the forum... actually made my life.
met a few of the guys before the show. but i cant be bothered to upload any pictures from last night. YET....
I hardly took any pictures of the actual show if that is any indication.
the best thing ever? there was no barrier. we were pressed right up against the stage :]
the first few bands hardly got any crowd participation which is pretty sad :[ mind you the vocals were fucked in that they were getting drowned out by the instruments.. its was a pretty fundamental problem -_-
thankfully it was a fair bit better for thursday (still not terrific)
the crowd were really into thursday which was great.
the highlights?
First major highlight which has had me lauren and caitlin fan girling since it happened :P
Two years back at taste of chaos i asked geoff (singer) to sing a really beautiful song called "this song is brought to you by a falling bomb"
he told me he would try... it didnt happen... i believe it was because they usualy only play it at their shows not at festivals and that..
so this year when i met him at soundwave i asked him to play it at their sideshow and he told me he would....
sure enough the piano chords came in just after one of their fastest songs and i nearly died.
he came down and knelt next to us... held our hands and sung us the entire song.
i believe we have a reason to fan girl?
Second major highlight for me was them playing "for the workforce drowning" which is basically a song for the workforce drowning in their 9-5 jobs... it was dedicated to anyone who had to work tomorrow and i really felt that song *nods*
Third major highlight would have to be during their UNPLANNED encore of "between rupture and rapture" Geoff grabbed my hand during the chorus These are the words that escape from our lungs, rupture the wall i've built around my heart. Ive been shaking. You can't save me, I'm turning off.
This is one of my favourite songs...
Fourth major highlight would be them playing "Cross out the eyes" which they HARDLY ever play. its the first song i ever heard by them and yeah it was great.
i dont think ive ever had a better night.
As ive said before its is so difficult to describe the feelings you experience at a thursday show.
so yeah.
ive decided fuck it.. while im here i'll upload a couple of photos...
okay i know.. ENOUGH! :P i have quite a few more but i'll stop
Now for the gig last night...
not many i promise ^^,
not great but yeahhh i dont care. ^^,
and im out...
im going to be late to photography :P