New Story: Decimation Agenda

Sep 03, 2008 09:58

It's the future and man has finally figured out that the entire world is the garden of eden. Medical and biological advances allow human population to continue to grow without destabilizing ecological equilibrium. Earth becomes a paradise.

What man does not know (or at least hasn't scientifically proven and thus doesn't believe) is that there is a finite amount of life-potential energy in the universe and their new paradise is actually suffocating other worlds.

So an alien race arrives and demands they decimate their population or the aliens will declare war. I'm thinking of doing a twist on the fact that decimate is so frequently misused. We go to war, and then they retreat after our population has been decimated in the war.

Or we may be crushed more severely, leaving only 1/10th of our population left. Or something, don't know. Not even sure how long the story would be.

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