Things that number three

Aug 31, 2008 21:19

I did three things worth noting today. I went and saw Traitor. I wrote a review of the movie for Netflix that I didn't copy and paste, so you'll have to read it there.

I decided to use this journal near-exclusively. This means more posting and specifically more friends-only posting as I begin discussing more than just writing. Writing posts (except for final drafts) will remain public posts, but my comments about work, politics, and life in general will be posted as friends only unless I decide otherwise.

I decided to cut Imsikwatash and Goyathlay from The End of Bliss. The distance they had to travel compared to the distance Bear had to travel meant that Bear would finish his journey (and his story arc) months before Imsi and Goya. Their story will need to be moved to a separate venue, either a new novel or a collection of short stories. This has two major impacts on my story. First, I just lost 13,500 words! I had just hit 50k and now I'm nowhere close! Second, the name "End of Bliss" was a direct reference to Imsikwatash (as I began writing his story first of all the characters in the Third World) and now I have no idea what to name my book. If you've been following this journal, I can't write without a title. This was technically a good day for my writing, but it sure doesn't feel like it at the moment.

movies, writing, titles

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