That's a negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

May 29, 2010 10:39

What's the hardest thing to do when you're totally immersed in a manuscript? Stop writing. This week saw over 10,000 words in four days. Not a record (not even close), but a good, healthy start to a new manuscript. And there is more to come! So much more. The story is just built up inside me waiting to come out. It demands attention! And it's a three day weekend, that means writing galore, right?

No, not so much. Today is taking all the stuff we're not keeping to the Salvation Army and the Nashua Library. Tomorrow is packing the closet and a Memorial Day party at by the ocean, and Monday is breakfast downtown with the missus during the Memorial Day parade (Nashua's veterans march in order of war, beginning with WW2 all the way up to Iraq. Watching a 19-year-old march past you is a punch in the gut).

These are all good and necessary things. BUT I WANT TO WRITE! I WANT TO WRITE NOW! RIGHT NOW! WRITE RIGHT NOW!

Here's the story so far. Otwald d'Kilrachen just because the heir to his father's county seat after his older brother was murdered in a supposed mugging. A major technological advancement (steam power) has thrown the city into turmoil, fracturing it into various secret (or not so secret) societies. The Wrench and Hammer Society, trying to unionize the work force before thousands more lose their jobs, the Red Sock Society, a violent offshoot of W&H wanting to overthrow the aristocracy following a massacre at a public demonstration. The Steam Society, a group of peaceful engineers that have seen the future and don't want to lose it because of social unrest. And the mysterious Top Hat Society who seem to be following our main character. What do they want, do you think?

Getting blitzed in a shoddy part of town following his brother's funeral, Otwald narrowly escapes the depredations of the Red Sock Society only to come across three of his classmates raping a girl. If he let the taxi drive on, his life may have continued like normal. But he demanded it turn around. He must intervene. And in that moment, everything Otwald new began to change. He was tapped to be a member of the Top Hat Society, though they call themselves THE TRIAD SOCIETY!

Bum bum bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

Yeah I know that's mostly setting, but I've only written three chapters. Cut me some slack. :)

Now if only I had time to write this weekend! Woe is me!!!!

progress, word count, teaser, triad society

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