Jul 31, 2007 13:00
For this medium, it has been ages. I guess i have been so caught up in the world of Myspace and text messaging that i forgot where i had come from.. I forgot the depressed little sixteen year old gay boy hiding behind a box of condoms and a smile second only to Chers. I guess that is what has been missing from my life lately. And i say that like i actually know what that is.. That is an inigma i think.. Something untangable that we as seciety are always going to be searching for.. That in all its verious form. That thing, that special peroson, that dream house. Life has become a race to the middle. Something that a close friend of mine proclaimed like religion but something i never really understood until now.
And its not that i am unhappy with my life.. I love everyone and everything in it.. Including the people that are more guest stars instead of co hosts.. Time and work and children have left me regretably unavailable. It just feels like there is something missing from it.. Something more tangable then this town house and ford winstar that keeps breaking down.. Something more profetic. That something.
Well my friend, im afraid that it is once again time for me to depart.
Ill write you again in the next 2 years.