The demonds of the past and the possible tribulations of the future are keeping me awake.. Haunting my dreams like a poltergiest. I have had several nightmares in the past two hours.. And while everyone else in the house (terri, sean, mandy, lauren, and beth) are sleeping, my lids grow heavy but my mind races like the Indy 500.
I am tired of the immaturity of those around me.. No one in particular mind you, just the generalized people around me (well, the only generality being Nikki)..
I will be the first to call someone out when they are slipping.. I will be the first to tell someone exactly what they dont want to hear, but probably need to. And while i have had a reputation for doing so in the past, i try extreamly hard now not to talk shit about people.. It is pointless. It is immature.. It is asinine.. And while i will be the first to tell someone to vent.. That if you honestly have a problem with someone then you have a right vent.. And if in your anger, some bitches and hoes and douche bags come out of the closet like the new fall line from parada then by all means.. You are pissed and that is an occupational hazord. But talking shit for the shear fact that you have nothing better to do.. Talking shit because you have nothing better to bring to a conversation.. I's pointless and flat out audacious. Especially when you are talking shit about people that you have no right talking shit about.. People that have always been there for you.. People that have bent over backwards for you. People that have your back no matter what.. Opinions (and excuses for that matter) are like assholes. Everyone has them. And they dont smell like rose petals and baby's breathe. There are people that are equivilant to pond scum. There are people that probably wont make it any further then highschool. There are people that make poor choices. There are people that fuck up, fuck over, and fuck period. But all of this is human nature. All of this is part of the divine joy of having skin instead of wings.
So why we judge people when we as people are of the same chemical and basic physical consturction, is a mystery.
People, for the most part, cannot help weather they are tall or small.. Shortly or portly. Hung or hinged. Flat chested or extreamly well endowned. Gay or straight. Period. And weather everyone knows it or not, passing judgement on people for these reasons is sick and wrong.. And makes you not only shallow, but uneducated, illmananored, and flat out fucking ignornat. And what pisses me off to no end, is when people use evolution or god or psycology to back up thier bigotry. Evolution is a science, so let the scientists decide. Psycology is medical so let a psycologist decide. And i dont think that anyone knows the almighty better then what he does, so let him sort out the sinners from the saints. Live and let fucking live. My unconditional love and support goes out to someone close to my heart.. Someone, that while i dont talk to everyday, has always imparted wisdom into my life even if doing so third party. Someone that i feel close to, even though i have never really spent much time with. Somone that i respect. Someone that i love. Someone that is going through more fucking shit at the moment from her own fucking family for something that is out of her control (she is a lesbian) all in the name of jesus christ. The lord himself created all types. All shapes, sizes, nationailities, and sexualities. And if you cannot see past the nose on your face enough to realize that the bible is a tool, not a weapon to smite other people.. Then you are no better then the hethans that dont know the lord at all. The final judgement is reserved for the lord. Period. And trying to pass it now for him, in his name, is only going to catch up with you in the end. Because karma is a bitch. And just as the lord created the heavens, your day to stand infront of him will come.. Stop and think, for one second, how you are going to look him in the eye and tell him that you found a loop hole, through his holy word, to HATE someone because they were different from you.
Unfortunately, closed minds have always come with open mouths. So a gentle suggestion. Would be to crack open a fucking brain before your lips start flapping next time. Some of the nicest people i have ever met were homeless. Were mentally retarded. Were terminally ill. And yes, even gayer then christmas. But much as the same god you are backing your BIGOTRY with found in his heart to love them, i did aswell.. And honestly, you will never learn more about life then from someone that has been there. You will never learn more about a person until you walk a mile in thier shoes. Or stroll a mile in thier wheelchair. You will never even come close to resmebleing anything of a fucking human being until you close your fucking mouth and open your fucking eyes.
Every man has his own way. So let him find it.. And instead of critisizing him for it, explore it with him.. If only half way. So that you may find your own. Live and let live. Love and let love. And at the end of the day, when you count your blessings, count your encounters. And if you honestly feel that someone is doing something in defiance, pray to the almighty power that he can eathier show them the way or you the light.
Terri is my heart and soul.
I cannot sleep while she isnt next to me. My arms get cold when she is away from having nothing to hold. I cannot picture a life without her, and the one time i tired i had an incredable feeling of emptiness. She is not going anywhere. And i will do everything in my power to keep her in my life. So if you dont like it (Nikki), then my life isnt something that you have to be apart of. My wedding isnt something you have to attend. My number isnt something you have to keep. Because from the moment she walked into my life, things started making sence. From our first kiss, my lips knew they would never be lonely again. From the first time that our hands met, my heart knew that it had a purpose.
So everyone that wants to think that i am nieve. Fine. That is your call to make.
Everyone that wants to think i am making a mistake. Again. Fine. Your opinion.
But what you think you know about my life is a fuck of a lot different then what I actually know... And what i know, is that a life without her isnt worth living. I want her by my side. "Forever and for always".
And of you dont like it, please see a couple of the previous statements.
- What you think you know about my life is a fuck of a lot different then what I actually know..
- My life isnt something that you have to be apart of. My wedding isnt something you have to attend. My number isnt something you have to keep.
- Live and let live. Love and let love.
- Talking shit because you have nothing better to bring to a conversation.. I's pointless and flat out audacious.
So until next time. Take care of yourself. And eachother.