Ughhhhh... :(
My poor baby!!! :'(
Megan's in the hospital now. :'( We rushed her to the nearest emergency vet clinic after she went into shock or had a seizure or something at the dog park. It was soooo scary.. She was chasing after some dogs and suddenly one of my friends was like "oh no is megan okay??" so I look and she's just lying there on her side so I run over to her and her legs are really stiff and she wasn't moving.. for a second there I thought she had died or something.. she wouldn't move at all :'( but then she started moving a bit and started making little growly noises.. she seemed kinda disoriented.. so one of my dog park friends grabbed my car keys and offered to drive so that I could hold megan, and my other friend got Miko for me and we all rushed over to the pet hospital.. So basically the vet said she had gone into shock.. he said that they got her stabilized but she was panting and breathing heavily, and her gums were pale.. he said one of his concerns was that he DID hear a slight heart murmur as well... ughhh.. :'( My poor baby!!!.. so she's staying at the vets over night.. I just called to check up on her and they said she hasnt had any more episodes and that she's up and walking around and being friendly, but she won't eat.. I'm just glad that she's doing better.. I'm going to try to talk to the vet tomorrow to see more of what he thinks was wrong with her, and why it happened, and how I can prevent it from happening again.. *sighs*
Soo tonight's vet bill was a total of $394.85.. and I paid the $200 deposit.. He said I could get a radiograph thing (the paper says ECG Lead?) and x-rays of her chest done for another $200 or so to make sure her heart and stuff is doing fine but he said I didn't have to get that done immediately.. I really don't care about the money though.. I mean, if I had to, I'd give every single penny I have to Megan.. She's my life.. :( I don't know what I would do without her... I just wish that she'd be okay.. Why can't she be healthy?? :'( She doesn't deserve all this.. :(
My little princess... :'(